Squiggle Media

Tel: 07787 577913

"A Passion for Perfection"

Your precious memories preserved
Video, Audio & Photos transferred and converted to
CD, DVD, MP3, MPEG-4 and other digital formats.



Video Conversion

Our video editing studio will transfer a majority of video cassette formats including VHS, Hi-8 onto DVD. After editing, each scene has it's title added on screen and chapter points added for ease of navigation. A personalised DVD cover is designed using images from your video.
£17.95 + postage

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Audio Conversion

Our dedicated audio service will transfer your vinyl or audio cassettes to CD, MP3 or WAV allowing you to listen to your treasured audio again. We will also create an authentic full colour CD cover and label for your CD complete with track listing based on your LP or cassette cover.
From £16.95 + postage

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8mm Cine to DVD

We use frame-by-frame scanning technology to transfer your 8mm & Super 8mm cine film to DVD which results in a flicker free high quality video.  We will add background music to your film and design a personalised DVD cover using images taken from your video with a running order showing titles of your reels.
from only £8.50 per reel

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Photos, Slides & Negatives

We use professional scanners to scan, enhance and tidy up your images preserving your precious photos. We can also create a magical slide show of your photos with background music for you to play on your DVD player and show to your friends and family.
Only 47p per image

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